In 2024, the election law statutes found to be violated were "all the town clerk's fault" per the Selectmen and the former Moderator. Because of my complaints to the NH DOJ, a letter of resignation from the former Deputy town clerk Frongillo, and the petitioned hearing with the Superior Court, the former clerk was forced to resign.
In the superior court hearing against the town, the town lawyer ended up conceding to what I was trying to get through the selectmen's heads at the local level. It was forced to go to superior court because of chauvism on the board.
The selectmen dodged a bullet with the chosen fall guy, the former clerk.
On top of getting an elected official removed from office, I won the hearing regarding a right-to-know law violation.
The re-elected chairman compared the 2024 election law violations to "forgetting to cross a T and dot an I."
The fact that over 2,000 people voted to elect someone who thinks like that is concerning. Of course, all the other current selectmen supported the imbecile incumbent.
Now we AGAIN have issues in the 2025 town election, and Selectman Bridle is putting all the blame on the Moderator. The least accountable board I have ever seen in this town in all my years here.
But at least the chairman of the board was not holding the line up this election. Another huge piece of information that the moderator AND selectmen covered up from the public.
God bless Hampton. It needs it. The Hampton Standard is gone.
